Sunday, January 11, 2009

FT article: Jarch Managment to develop 400,000 ha in Warrap State?

I hate to judge. I hate to cast disapproval on individuals in business or trying to get in business in Southern Sudan.

I will make an exception in this case, however.

Worst-case-scenario-advocate Mr. Philippe Heilberg claims to have agricultural rights to 400,000 hectares of land via some deal.

Judging merely by the company a man keeps (I'm talking about their board), I am betting Mr. Heilburg will do as well in this enterprise as well as he did in his last one. My hope is that anyone doing their due diligence on this organization and its experiences in Southern Sudan will look carefully all over.

Anyone familiar with land-centered enterprises in South Sudan can see more than a few holes in his companies' claim to this land.

Follow up: FT has a pretty good editorial take what this represents here.

And now the other shoe drops.

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